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=== Introduzione ===
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Un articoli di Ahmad e Schiffman<ref name=":0">Mansur Ahmad, Eric L Schiffman. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and Orofacial Pain. Dent Clin North Am. 2016 Jan;60(1):105-24. doi: 10.1016/j.cden.2015.08.004.Epub 2015 Oct 21.</ref> sono emersi elementi interessanti che esigono una più approfondita analisi del fenomeno TMD. Gli autori hanno riportato, infatti, che circa il 5-12% della popolazione degli Stati Uniti è affetto da TMD e il costo annuale della gestione della TMD, esclusi i costi relativi all'imaging, è di circa 4 miliardi di dollari. Interview Survey (NHIS) che includeva un totale di 189.977 persone, il 4,6% (n = 8964) aveva avuto disturbi dell'articolazione temporo-mandibolare e dei muscoli (TMJD).<blockquote>Come abbiamo già più volte citato nel corso dei capitoli precedenti, uno degli elementi critici nella diagnostica differenziale tra Dolore orofacciale e TMD è il dato dell'incidenza della malattia che va ad inquinare obbligatoriamente il risultato del valore predittivo del teorema di Bayes. In questo caso, dalle considerazioni degli autori<ref name=":0" /> siamo sul 4,6%.</blockquote>

== Abstract ==
[[File:Clicker 00.jpg|left|350x350px|alt=]]
The chapter delves into the complexities of diagnosing and treating temporomandibular disorders (TMD), challenging traditional perceptions of malocclusion by emphasizing the need to relate occlusal morphology to trigeminal neuromotor responses. A case is presented where a subject, despite clear occlusal abnormalities, shows perfect symmetry in latency, amplitude, and integral areas of the trigeminal Central Nervous System (tCNS), leading to the conclusion that not all occlusal irregularities result in masticatory disorders.

Sappiamo bene, ormai, che lo 'TMD' è la seconda condizione muscoloscheletrica cronica più comune dopo la lombalgia cronica<ref>Schiffman E, Ohrbach R, Truelove E, et al. Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) for clinical and research applications: recommendations of the International RDC/TMD Consortium Network* and orofacial pain special interest group†. J Oral Facial Pain Headache 2014;28(1):6–27</ref> e malgrado Ahmad e Schiffman<ref name=":0" /> hanno riportato in modo esaustivo l'importanza dell'imaging per rendere corrette le diagnosi intra-articolari dell'ATM, sorge il dubbio della sovrapposizioni di stati sintomatico clinici come è capitato di vedere per i casi clinici riportati nei capitoli precedenti di Masticationpedia.
This narrative underscores a critical shift from traditional dental diagnostics towards a more integrated approach termed 'Functional Neuro Gnathology' (NGF method). This approach prioritizes the functionality of the masticatory system rather than its structural aspects alone, represented by a new diagnostic model named 'Index D is the datum of'. This model seeks to align clinical dental practice with the latest neurological insights, offering a comprehensive method for evaluating and addressing TMD.

Questa interferenza non dipende dalla capacità del medico ma dalla forma mentis deterministica che non lascia spazio al fenomeno sovrapposizione di di patologie che simulano lo stessa sintomatologia del TMD.
The chapter cites a study by Ahmad and Schiffman, which reveals that 4.6% of the US population is affected by TMD, with an annual management cost excluding imaging, approximated at $4 billion. This statistic frames the discussion on the economic and healthcare significance of accurate TMD diagnosis and treatment.

Uno dei casi eclatanti è stata proprio la nostra paziente Mary Poppins che a rigor di logica classica doveva a primo impatto essere diagnosticata come TMD ma che approfondendo l'analisi dello stato di sistema masticatorio è risultata essere affetta da Spasmo emimasticatorio.
Discussion transitions into an exploration of the overlapping symptoms between TMD and other craniofacial conditions, which complicates the diagnostic process. Conventional diagnostics may not adequately distinguish between different underlying causes of similar symptoms due to their overlapping nature. This overlap is often seen in patients who present with both TMD and symptoms of other craniofacial disorders, suggesting a need for a more nuanced approach to diagnosis that considers a broader range of possibilities rather than a single cause.

<gallery widths="250" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
The text criticizes the deterministic mindset in medical diagnostics, which often fails to account for the complexity and variability of human pathology. Instead, it advocates for an indeterministic and probabilistic view of medicine, which is better suited to address the multifaceted nature of conditions like TMD.
File:Spasmo emimasticatorio.jpg|'''Figure 1:'''  Patient in '''entry''' in the Functional Neuro Gnathology Department who reported right hemilateral orofacial pain for 10 years with previous diagnosis of Temporomandibular Dysfunction.
File:TC -TMJ.jpg
File:IMG0005 modified.jpg
Non da meno è il nostro paziente 'Bruxer' che precedentemente diagnosticato come TMD seguendo lo RDC è risultato essere affetto da 'Cavernosa Pineale'. Anche in questo caso, abbiamo rimarcato che non si tratta di preparazione e professionalità del medico nel seguire linee guida specifiche e fare diagnosi nel contesto specialistico bensì di alcuni elementi che ad un primo approccio sfuggono all'attenzione del medico. In primis va un pò ridimensionato il concetto troppo vincolante di 'variabile dipendente' e cioè referto positivo di immagini della AT, uguale, Disordini Temporomandibolari (TMDs). Anche se con un alta percentuale di casi ciò potrebbe verificarsi dovremmo sempre tenere a mente che una diagnosi troppo superficiale ed automatica potrebbe mettere a rischio la vita del paziente come proprio sta succedendo al nostro 'Bruxer'
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File:Bruxer SP2.jpg
File:Recovery cycle.jpeg
A complicare la diagnosi differenziale, purtroppo, si aggiungono modelli anche molto interessanti ma ancora non ben testati clinicamente e ciò potrebbe confondere il clinico che per le esigenze contestuali deve cercare di fare diagnosi e non discutere sulla veridicità dei metodi scientificamente divulgati.
E' proprio il caso del nostro 'Balancer' che dopo anni di pellegrinaggio odontoiatrico per correggere postura e occlusione si è scoperto essere affetto da voluminoso 'Meningioma'. Purtroppo per questo paziente siamo arrivati tardi. Teniamo conto, come detto ma è bene ribadirlo, che un menigioma necessita di decenni per giungere ad un diametro di 8 cm. La cosa più dolorosa in tutto ciò che avevamo già ai tempi in cui fu fatta la diagnosi definitiva i mezzi e le metodologie elettrofisiologiche trigeminali per fare immediatamente diagnosi di danno organico trigeminale.<gallery widths="250" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
File:Meningioma 6 by Gianni Frisardi.jpeg
File:Meningioma 3 by Gianni Frisardi.jpeg
File:Meningioma 5 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg
</gallery><blockquote>Dice giusto Magda Krasińska-Mazur et al.<ref>Magda Krasińska-Mazur, Paulina Homel, Andrzej Gala, Justyna Stradomska, Małgorzata Pihut. Differential diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders - a review of the literature.Folia Med Cracov. 2022;62(2):121-137. doi: 10.24425/fmc.2022.141703.</ref> che la diagnosi corretta dei disturbi temporomandibolari si basa sull'anamnesi e su un esame fisico approfondito, nonché sui risultati di test aggiuntivi. Il dolore localizzato nelle strutture della testa e del collo può avere un'eziologia diversa, a volte complessa, e può richiedere un trattamento multidisciplinare. Anche l'osservazione del comportamento del paziente e, in casi selezionati, i risultati di ulteriori test di laboratorio svolgono un ruolo significativo.</blockquote>
{{q2|Quale potrebbe essere il migliore approccio ai pazienti TMDs?|.....ci sono degli elementi distintivi in un primo approccio per evitare errori grossolani di diagnosi differenziale, come vedremo dal caso clinico che andremo a presentare}}
4° Caso clinico

Several clinical cases are referenced to illustrate the point that symptoms commonly associated with TMD can often mask other serious conditions such as hemimasticatory spasm or even meningioma. These cases highlight the importance of a thorough and comprehensive diagnostic approach that goes beyond conventional methods to consider the entire neuromuscular and skeletal system.

In advocating for a shift towards Functional Neuro Gnathology, the chapter describes the NGF method, which incorporates trigeminal electrophysiological tests to assess the integrity of the trigeminal system. This method provides a more detailed understanding of the neuromuscular interactions and abnormalities that may contribute to or result from TMD.

A patient named "Clicker," who suffered from TMJ clicks and severe orofacial pain, is introduced to illustrate the practical application of this new approach. Despite previous diagnoses and treatments that adhered strictly to RDC protocols and focused mainly on symptom management through devices like bite planes, the NGF method provided a more definitive diagnosis by examining the neuromuscular responses of the patient’s tCNS.

The NGF method, as applied to Clicker, involved detailed trigeminal electrophysiological testing to ascertain both organic and functional aspects of her condition. These tests demonstrated that while the patient's tCNS showed organic symmetry, indicating no inherent neuromuscular disorder, there was a significant functional disorder evident from the asymmetry in jaw jerk responses. This functional disorder was likely influenced by an unbalanced peripheral input or an inhibitory process affecting the trigeminal motor neurons.

Further examination through the NGF method revealed a malocclusion contributing to the patient’s symptoms. This was addressed through a comprehensive neurognathological rehabilitation approach, which not only considered the structural correction of teeth alignment but also aimed to restore and optimize the entire neuromuscular function of the masticatory system.

The narrative concludes with a call for a broader integration of neurophysiological assessments in dental practice, particularly for complex cases like TMD. The NGF method represents a paradigm shift in TMD management, advocating for a holistic approach that considers both the dental and neurological aspects of the disorder. This approach not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also enhances treatment outcomes by addressing the root causes of symptoms rather than just managing them superficially.

This detailed examination and discussion aim to promote a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of craniofacial disorders and the potential benefits of integrating neurognathological insights into dental practice. By doing so, it hopes to pave the way for more effective and comprehensive treatments that can significantly improve patient outcomes in TMD and related conditions.<blockquote>
== Keywords ==
'''Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)''' - Refers to a group of conditions affecting the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and nerves associated with chronic facial pain.

'''Malocclusion''' - Misalignment of teeth which is traditionally linked to various jaw and chewing disorders but is discussed in the context of not necessarily leading to masticatory problems.

'''Trigeminal Neuromotor Responses''' - Describes the neural reactions of the trigeminal nerve system that are crucial for diagnosing jaw and facial conditions accurately.

'''Functional Neuro Gnathology (NGF)''' - A novel diagnostic approach that focuses on the functionality of the masticatory system using neurophysiological insights.

'''Neurognathological Rehabilitation''' - Treatment approach that integrates dental and neurological assessments to address both structural and functional aspects of masticatory disorders.

'''Electrophysiological Testing''' - A technique used to measure the electrical activity of the trigeminal nerve and muscles to assess their health and function.

'''Orofacial Pain''' - Pain perceived in the face and/or oral cavity, often associated with TMD but can also indicate other severe conditions.

Paziente di circa 40 anni che riferiva dolore orofacciale con rumori articolari quali click e scrosci da ambedue i lati della faccia e difficoltà nella masticazione. Ad un primo esame clinico occlusale si evince una III classe occlusale con scivolamento in protrusa nel raggiungimento della massima intercuspidazione. Alla palpazione risultavano dolenti i masseteri, temporali e pterigoidei esterni di ambo i lati. Presenza di bruxismo notturno. No disturbi di equilibrio e deambulazione, no vertigini no acufeni.   
'''Index Ψ''' - A diagnostic model introduced in the text that utilizes neurological data for better clinical dental practice.
[[File:TMDs 1.jpg|center|thumb|'''Fig.7:''' Situazione occlusale della paziente che mostra una malocclusione di III Classe scheletrica e funzionale]]   

'''Fig.7:''' Situazione occlusale della paziente che mostra una malocclusione di III Classe scheletrica e funzionale
'''Jaw Jerk Response''' - A reflex used to evaluate the integrity of the trigeminal nerve and neuromuscular function in the jaw.

Come anticipato riprenderemo lo stesso linguaggio diagnostico presentato sia per la paziente Mary Poppins che per il paziente 'Bruxer' in modo che diventi un modello assimilabile e praticabile, cercheremo di sovrapporlo al presente caso clinico denominato 'Balancer'.<blockquote>Il soggetto, un uomo di 60 anni sottoposto circa 10 anni prima a riabilitazione protesica, aveva iniziato a riferire difficoltà masticatorie e nello specifico una sorta di diminuzione della forza muscolare sul lato destro e rallentamento del ciclo masticatorio. Dopo un periodo di tempo non quantificato il paziente avvertiva anche una difficoltà dell'equilibrio sia statico che dinamico. Riferendo questi disturbi al proprio dentista gli è stato proposto un rifacimento della riabilitazione protesica. La situazione clinica non cambiò anzi i disturbi postulai aumentarono inducendo il dentista ad una nuova riabilitazione protesica questa volta seguendo le metodiche posturali attraverso un sinergismo tra esami pedanometrici e registrazioni centriche. Giunto alla nostra osservazione abbiamo immediatamente sottoposto il paziente al nostro iter diagnostico che viene, come di consuetudine, rappresentato nella forma dei 'Contesti'. </blockquote>
'''Economic Impact of TMD''' - Discusses the significant healthcare costs associated with managing TMD, highlighting the financial importance of effective diagnosis and treatment.</blockquote>
====Significato dei contesti ====
Come già detto ma è bene sottolinearlo, in ambito odontoiatrico avremo le seguenti frasi ed affermazioni alle quali diamo un valore numerico per facilitare il trattamento, ovvero <math>\delta_n=[0|1]</math> dove <math>\delta_n=0</math> indica 'normale' e <math>\delta_n=1</math> anomalia e quindi positività del referto:

<math>\delta_1</math> Referto RM negativo dell'ATM nella Figura 3,<math>\delta_1=0\longrightarrow</math> Normalità, negatività del referto
{{ArtBy|autore=Gianni Frisardi}}

<math>\delta_2</math> Referto assiografico negativo per tracciato condilare destro in Figura 4,<math>\delta_2=0\longrightarrow</math>Normalità, negatività del referto

<math>\delta_3</math> Referto assiografico negativo per tracciato condilare sinistro in Figura 5,<math>\delta_3=0\longrightarrow</math>Normalità, negatività del referto
An article by Ahmad and Schiffman<ref name=":0">Mansur Ahmad, Eric L Schiffman. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and Orofacial Pain. Dent Clin North Am. 2016 Jan;60(1):105-24. doi: 10.1016/j.cden.2015.08.004.Epub 2015 Oct 21.</ref> revealed interesting elements that call for a more in-depth analysis of the TMD phenomenon. The authors reported, in fact, that about 5-12% of the US population is affected by TMD and the annual cost of TMD management, excluding imaging costs, is about $4 billion. Interview Survey (NHIS) that included a total of 189,977 people, 4.6% (n = 8964) had temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJD).

<math>\delta_4</math> Diagramma di interferenza EMG lievemente asimmetrico nella Figura 6,<math>\delta_4 =1\longrightarrow</math>Anormalità, positività del referto<center><gallery widths="130" heights="200" perrow="5" slideshow""="" mode="slideshow">
File:MR frontal TMJ .jpg|igura 3:''' <math>\delta_1</math> MNR MNR della ATM di destra su un piano coronale
File:Axio dx.jpg|igura 4:''' <math>\delta_1</math> Ass Assiografia paraocclusale di destra
File:Axio sn.jpg|igura 5:''' <math>\delta_1</math> Ass Assiografia paraocclusale di sinistra
File:Meningioma 1 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|igura 6:''' <math>\delta_1</math> EMG EMG interferenziale

<blockquote>As we have already mentioned several times in the previous chapters, one of the critical elements in the differential diagnosis between orofacial pain and TMD is the datum of the incidence of the disease, which necessarily pollutes the result of the predictive value of Bayes' theorem. In this case, from the authors' considerations<ref name=":0" /> we are at 4.6 per cent.</blockquote>

Nel '''contesto neurologico''' avremo, perciò, le seguenti frasi ed asserzioni a cui diamo un valore numerico per facilitare la trattazione e cioè <math>\gamma_n=[0|1]</math> dove lo <math>\gamma_n=0</math> indica 'normalità' e <math>\gamma_n=1</math> 'anormalità e dunque positività del referto:

We know by now that 'TMD' is the second most common chronic musculoskeletal condition after chronic low back pain<ref>Schiffman E, Ohrbach R, Truelove E, et al. Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) for clinical and research applications: recommendations of the International RDC/TMD Consortium Network* and orofacial pain special interest group†. J Oral Facial Pain Headache 2014;28(1):6–27</ref> and although Ahmad and Schiffman<ref name=":0" /> have exhaustively reported on the importance of imaging to make correct intra-articular diagnoses of TMJ, the doubt arises of the overlapping of symptomatic-clinical states as we have seen in the clinical cases reported in the previous chapters of Masticationpedia.

This interference does not depend on the physician's ability but on the deterministic forma mentis that leaves no room for the phenomenon of overlapping pathologies simulating the same TMD symptomatology. A quick roundup of clinical cases reported in the chapters of Masticationpedia can remind us better of the complexity and truthfulness of this statement. (Figure 1)
<math>\gamma_1=</math> Assenza del jaw jerk in Figure 7  <math>\gamma_1=1\longrightarrow</math> Anormalità, positività del referto. In situazioni cliniche di disarmonia occlusuale potremmo trovarci di fronte a situazioni di asimmetrie di ampiezza che sconfinano anche in una assenza del jaw jerk ma in questo caso clinico la asimmetria contestuale dello EMG interferenziale potrebbe non significare nulla. Si continua nel contesto neurologico per verificare le risposte di altri test elettrofisiologici trigeminali.
<math>\gamma_2=</math> Asimmetria di latenza del Periodo silente elettrico sul massetere destro in Figure 8,  <math>\gamma_2=1\longrightarrow</math> Anormalità, positività del referto

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<gallery widths="250" heights="200" perrow="2" slideshow""="">
File:Meningioma 2 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|igura 7:''' <math>\gamma_1=</math> Jaw Jaw jerk in massima intercuspidazione
File:Spasmo emimasticatorio.jpg|'''Figure 1a:''' Patient previously diagnosed following the DRC model as suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders.
File:Meningioma 4 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|igura 7:''' <math>\gamma_2=</math> Asi Asimmetria di latenza del Periodo Silente elettrico masseterino
File:IMG0005 modified.jpg|'''Figure 1b:''' Machine language code decrypted in 'Hephaptic transmission'. Definitive diagnosis ' ''Hemimasticatory spasm'' '.
File:IMG0103.jpg|'''Figure 1c:''' Patient previously diagnosed following the DRC model as suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders.
File:Recovery cycle.jpeg|'''Figure 1d:''' Machine language code decrypted in 'Trigeminal hyperexcitability'. Definitive diagnosis ' ''Cavernous Pineal'' '
File:Meningioma 6 by Gianni Frisardi.jpeg|'''Figure 1e:''' Patient previously diagnosed following the DRC model as suffering from Temporomandibular Disorders.
File:Meningioma 4 by Gianni Frisardi.jpeg|'''Figure 1f:''' Decrypted machine language code in 'Latency Period Silence'. Definitive diagnosis ' ''Meningioma'' '
Rightly says Magda Krasińska-Mazur et al.<ref>Magda Krasińska-Mazur, Paulina Homel, Andrzej Gala, Justyna Stradomska, Małgorzata Pihut. Differential diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders - a review of the literature.Folia Med Cracov. 2022;62(2):121-137. doi: 10.24425/fmc.2022.141703.</ref> that the correct diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders is based on anamnesis and a thorough physical examination, as well as the results of additional tests.....but which ones?{{q2|What could be the best approach to TMDs patients?|.... we will present in this context a diagnostic model in the context of restoring the functional masticatory condition of the patient in question}}So far we have discussed many aspects that in some way delay the differential diagnosis in patients who report overlapping symptomatology and various clinical manifestations, a differential diagnosis that if, on the other hand, performed correctly and quickly could save the subject's life as happened to our 'Bruxer' and unfortunately not to our 'Balancer'. The doctor's forma mentis in these cases is fundamental and the decisive element remains that of stepping out of the 'specialist context' in order to take an indeterministic and probabilistic view of medicine at the same time. This is no different with regard to patients actually suffering from TMDs because there is no real neuro-gnathological discipline, the diagnosis as well as the therapy of these subjects remains the standard one, namely gnathological. The discipline of gnathology, although very valid, is also limited because it restricts the field of the 'observable' to the occlusal parameter, disregarding everything else that is part of the masticatory neuromotor network and beyond.<ref>Chiara Vompi, Emanuela Serritella, Gabriella Galluccio, Santino Pistella, Alessandro Segnalini, Luca Giannelli, Carlo Di Paolo. Evaluation of Vision in Gnathological and Orthodontic Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders: A Prospective Experimental Observational Cohort Study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent PMID: 33042891 PMCID: PMC7523923 DOI: 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_273_19</ref> We will present this clinical case of a patient with DTMs to give a significant clinical diagnostic/therapeutic change in the field of 'Functional Neuro Gnathology' calling it, precisely, the NGF method.

====Demarcatore di coerenza <math>\tau</math> ====
Come abbiamo descritto nei precedenti capitoli lo '<math>\tau</math>' è un peso specifico clinico rappresentativo, complesso da ricercare e sviluppare perché varia da disciplina a disciplina e per patologie, indispensabile per non far collidere le asserzioni logiche <math>\Im_o</math> e <math>\Im_n</math> nelle procedure diagnostiche e fondamentale per inizializzare la decriptazione del codice in linguaggio macchina. In sostanza consente di confermare la coerenza di una asserzione <math>\Im\cup\{\delta_1,\delta_2.....\delta_n\}</math> contro l'altro <math>\Im\cup\{\gamma_1,\gamma_2.....\gamma_n\}</math> e viceversa, dando maggior peso alla gravità dei referti e alla scelta del contesto opportuno.
[[File:Clicker 00.jpg|thumb|'''Figure 2:''' Oral situation of the patient affected by TMDs showing the ant erior cross bite]]

Il peso del demarcazione <math>\tau</math>, quindi, dà maggior significato alle asserzioni più gravi nel contesto clinico da cui derivano e quindi al di là della maggiore o minore positività delle asserzioni <math>0\leq\delta_n\leq1</math> o <math>0\leq\gamma_n\leq1</math> che comunque sono sempre verificate e rispettate, queste devono essere validate in base alla gravità clinica intrinseca considerando la media delle asserzioni <math>\bar{\delta_n}</math> e <math>\bar{\gamma_n}</math> per uno <math>\tau=[0|1]</math> dove <math>\tau=0</math> indica 'bassa gravità' mentre <math>\tau=1</math> 'alta gravità'.
As usual, we call our patient with a fancy name and precisely 'Clicker' because the patient had been suffering from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clicks for years. Clicker presented to our neuropathology department complaining of severe orofacial pain and reporting a chronic right TMJ joint removal. She arrived after having already been diagnosed as DTMs always following the RDC protocol and treated with a biteplane to manage the nocturnal teeth grinding only. She, a 40-year-old patient who reported orofacial pain with joint noises such as clicks and crashes on both sides of the face and difficulty in chewing.  

A first clinical occlusal examination shows a functional occlusal class III with sliding in protrusion in reaching the maximum intercuspidation. On palpation, the masseters, temporals, and external pterygoids on both sides were tender. No balance and gait disturbances, no vertigo, no tinnitus but as our routine we immediately performed trigeminal electrophysiological tests in order to avoid any structural involvement of the trigeminal Central Nevous System (<sub>t</sub>NCS). As already explained in the chapter concerning the 'Balancer' patient with Meningioma in which the interference EMG examination performed by the dental colleagues did not give indications of organic pathology of the tNCS in our Diagnostic Center we only perform Evoked Potentials and the battery of trigmeinal reflexes. In this chapter, taking into account the clinical situation, we have bypassed the purely dental context as, after an initial objective examination, the malocclusive disorder is striking but not certain (figure 2).

Riassumendo nel nostro caso 'Balancer' abbiamo quindi:
[[File:Clicker 01.jpg|thumb|alt=|left|615x615px|'''Figure 3:''' Neurognathological Functional electrophysiological tests]]

<math>\Im_o\cup ( {\bar\delta_n)} \tau_o + \Im_n\cup({\bar\gamma_n)}\
====Trigeminal electrophysiology====
As has now been documented in the previous chapters of Masticationpedia, the heart of the scientific philosophy of Masticationpedia is substantially the normalization of masticatory functions to the Central Nervous System and trigeminal peripheral <sub>t</sub>CNS and not to dental occlusion. This is able to couple the occlusal abnormality to the 'state' conditions of the tCNS as well documented in the first chapter '[[Introduction]]' where we showed a perfect trigeminal electrophysiological symmetry in the subject with severe dental malocclusion and a frankly asymmetric neuromotor condition in a subject with perfect occlusion after being treated with orthognathic surgery. The electrophysiological tests in subjects with TMDs are limited to the bilateral Motor Evoked Potentials of the trigeminal roots which we have precisely put over the years called bRoot-MEPs,<ref name=":1">Frisardi G. The use of transcranial stimulation in the fabrication of an occlusal splint.J Prosthet Dent. 1992 Aug;68(2):355-60. doi: 10.1016/0022-3913(92)90345-b.PMID: 1501190</ref> from the jaw jerk<ref name=":2">Cruccu G, Frisardi G, van Steenberghe D. Side asymmetry of the jaw jerk in human craniomandibular dysfunction. Arch Oral Biol. 1992 Apr;37(4):257-62. doi: 10.1016/0003-9969(92)90047-c.PMID: 1520092</ref> performed while keeping the mandible in the rest position (Jaw jerk in rest position) and the jaw jerk keeping the jaw closed with moderate muscle activity (jaw jerk in occlusal position).

In figure 3 we can see the responses of the motor evoked potentials of the two trigeminal roots, the jaw jerk in the rest position and in the position of maximum intercuspidation. In particular, the Nervous system responds to Transcranial Electrical Stimulation of the trigeminal roots with two evoked potentials that are perfectly symmetrical both in latency and in amplitude and specifically the latencies are positioned at an onset of <math>1R= 2,01</math>ms and <math>1L= 1,99 </math>ms while the peak-to-peak amplitudes <math>2R-3R= 5</math> mV and <math>2L-3L= 5,2</math> mV. This result is fundamental for the differential diagnosis between organic and functional pathologies, in fact, it demonstrates that the system is organically symmetrical and synchronous and this determines the term that we will see recur in a decisive way in the continuation of the Masticationpedia chapters called 'Organic Symmetry'. Bear in mind right now that the 'Organic Symmetry' parameter will be considered an element of 'Normalization' of the trigeminal reflex responses as its latency and amplitude symmetry indicates a perfect 'state' of integrity of the  <sub>t</sub>CNS and that at the same time one should expect an equally 'state' of functional symmetry due to trigeminal reflex responses. Let's see, therefore, the trigeminal functional 'state' of the  <sub>t</sub>CNS by analyzing the jaw jerk.

<math>{\bar\delta_n}=</math> media del valore delle affermazioni cliniche nel contesto odontoiatrico e quindi <math>{\bar\delta_n}=0,25</math> che deriva da dati positivo asimmetria EMG rispetto al numero totale e dunque <math>(1/4)</math>
=====Jaw jerk in rest position=====
The stretch reflex test called jaw jerk was performed keeping the mandible in rest position to distinguish the input component to the tCNS excluding the input of the periodonatal receptors. The results were not encouraging due to the relative asymmetry of latency (<math>1R= 8,5</math>ms and <math>1L= 7,5</math> ms) and peak-to-peak amplitude (<math>2R-3R= 0,3
</math>mV; <math>2L-3L= 0,6</math>mV). In particular, the latency delay could be explained by a facilitation on gamma motor neurons, in contrast with the study by Kitagawa et al.<ref>Kitagawa Y, Enomoto S, Nakamura Y, Hashimoto K. Asymmetry in jaw-jerk reflex latency in craniomandibular dysfunction patients with unilateral masseter pain. J Oral Rehabil. 2000 Oct;27(10):902-10. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2842.2000.00595.x.PMID: 11065026</ref> in which it is asserted that the facilitation on the ipsilateral side could be produced by an enhancement of the gamma drive induced by a prolonged nociceptive stimulation. In our case the most significant datum is the difference of <math>\simeq 50%</math> with reduction on the right affected side. We have noticed in our studies that in the rest position the jaw jerk also shows a dependence not only on the acceleration of the trigger stroke but also on the spatial position of the jaw as it is not conditioned by the occlusal position.<ref name=":2" />

<math>{\bar\gamma_n}=</math>media del valore delle affermazioni cliniche nel contesto neurologico e quindi <math>{\bar\gamma_n}=1</math> in quanto abbiamo due referti positivi su 2 totali
=====Jaw jerk in rest position =====
The jaw jerk, keeping the mandible in a position of centric occlusion, performed to verify the contribution of the periodontal receptors together with the muscle and tendon proprioceptors, was obviously facilitated by the dental contact but the asymmetry in amplitude (<math>2R-3R= 0, 1
</math>mV; <math>2L-3L= 1</math> mV) increased. This result agrees with what was stated in a study by Yoshino T et al.<ref>Yoshino T.Kokubyo Gakkai Zasshi. Effects of lateral mandibular deviation on masseter muscle activity. 1996 Mar;63(1):70-87. doi: 10.5357/koubyou.63.70.PMID: 8725358 </ref> in which the mandibular position was deviated by 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 mm to the right and left from a reference position corresponding to the rest position. Jaw jerk amplitude on the mediotrusive side increased primarily in proportion to mandibular deviation. The study concludes by suggesting that jaw jerk may aid the clinical examination of minor mandibular deviations. The conclusion of this 1st trigeminal electrophysiological step was to ascertain the organic integrity of the <sub>t</sub>CNS through the symmetry and synchronics of the <sub>b</sub>Root-MEPs,<ref name=":1" /> and consider it as an 'Organic Symmetry',<ref>G Frisardi, G Chessa, A Lumbau, S Okkesim, B Akdemir, S Kara, F.Frisardi. The Reliability of the Bilateral Trigeminal Roots-motor Evoked Potentials as an Organic Normalization Factor: Symmetry or Not Symmetry. Dentistry S2 8, [tel:2161-1122 2161-1122]</ref> i.e. normalizer of the masticatory neurophysiological process while the asymmetries of the jaw jerk a functional disorder due to an unbalanced peripheral input or an inhibitory process on the trigeminal motoneurons of the nociceptive type. In essence, the conclusion of a mandibular spatial disorder would seem more indicative, which we will ascertain later when the Neuro Evoked Centric Relationship is performed to verify the physiological spatial position. 

<math>\tau_o=0</math> segnalazione di bassa gravità del contesto dentale
=====Silent period of the masticator muscles=====
[[File:Clicker 3.jpg|'''Figure 4:''' Silent period of masticatory muscles and representation of areas of interest marked with arrows.|alt=|thumb|250x250px]]
Figure 4 shows the neuromuscular responses of the silent period to chin percussion through a triggered neurological hammer when the patient was asked to clench her teeth maximally. If from a neurological point of view it is not possible to highlight elements referable to organic alterations of the <sub>t</sub>CNS, some electrophysiological characteristics, however, are to be referred to a functional disorder of the system. In the upper trace, a decrease in the motor neuron reactivation phase can be seen immediately following the silent period. The possible neurophysiological mechanism capable of determining a similar decrease in facilitatory activities on the mandibular silent period can be ascribed to a change in the spindle motor drive induced by the input of muscle proprioceptors and nociceptors. The neuronal network of this process would take place through a loop formed by: muscle nociceptive afferents, the subnucleus caudalis of the V, inhibitory interneurons on static motor neurons and, as a last link, the modulation of the sensitivity of the neuromuscular spindles..<ref>Ro J.Y.,Capra  N.F.: Physiological evidence for caudal brainstem projections of jaw muscle spindle afferents.Exp.Brain Res 1999;128: 425-434</ref> <ref>Capra N.F.,Ro J.Y.: Experimental muscle pain produces central modulation of proprioceptive signals arising from jaw muscle spindles. Pain 2000; 86: 151-162.</ref><ref>Appelberg B.,Hulliger M.,Johansson H.Sojka P.: Actions on g-motoneurones elicited by electrical stimulation of group III muscle afferent fibers in the hind limb of the cat.J Physiol. 1983;335: 275-292.</ref><ref>Macefield  G.,Hagbarth E,Gorman R, Gandevia SC,, Burke D.: Decline in spindle support to a-motoneurones during sustained voluntary contractions.J.Physiol 1991;440:497-512.</ref><ref>Mense S.,Skeppar P.: Discharge behavior of feline gamma-motoneurones following induction of an  artificial myositis.Pain 1991; 46: 201-210.</ref><ref>Pedersen J, Ljubisavljevic M, Bergenheim M.,Johansson H.: Alterations in information trasmission  in ensembles  of primary muscle spindle afferents after muscle fatigue in heteronymous muscle.Neuroscience 1998;84: 953-959.</ref>  Also in this context the inhibitory component most likely prevails over the excitatory one and this could be ascribed to a malocclusion as we will see later. In particular, it can be noted the overlapping of the jaw jerk behavior, previously tested, in a path rectification condition. The arrow indicates the jaw jerk on all traces and the decrease in amplitude can be observed for the right masseter while it is relatively symmetrical on the temporal muscles.<br />

<math>\tau_n=1</math> segnalazione di elevata gravità del contesto neurologico
===Mandibular spatial analysis===
On this subject unfortunately there are innumerable conceptual conflicts redundant regularly coming back into vogue after a period of years such as the gothic arch tracing method to determine the centric relationship of full dentures, as suggested by Zhou TF et al.<ref>Zhou TF, Yang X, Wang RJ, Cheng MX, Zhang H, Wei JQ.Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. A clinical application study of digital manufacturing simple intraoral Gothic arch-tracing device in determining the '''centric''' relation of complete dentures. 2023 Feb 18;55(1):101-107. doi: 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2023.01.015.PMID: 36718696 </ref> From what has been exposed in all the chapters previously published on Masticationpedia, it is clear that the approximation of manual methods or vague interpretations derived from a logic of verbal language cannot be represented in the scientific philosophy of Masticationpedia which tends to focus on a mesoscopic model more than macroscopically descriptive and formal through statistical mathematical models as we will see below. Therefore we do not share the opinion of Zhou TF et al but absolutely in line with the concepts expressed by Silva Ulloa S. et al.<ref>Silva Ulloa S, Cordero Ordóñez AL, Barzallo Sardi VE. Relationship between '''dental''' '''occlusion''' and brain activity: A narrative review. Saudi Dent J. 2022 Nov;34(7):538-543. doi 10.1016/j.sdentj.2022.09.001. Epub 2022 Sep 16.PMID: 36267531 </ref> in which it is concluded that the sensorimotor cortex is affected by changes in occlusion and it is hypothesized that occlusion may play an important role in the development of diseases, from anxiety and stress to Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. We also share the heartfelt suggestion of Silva Ulloa S. et al. in which she urges dentists to consider that alterations in the occlusal pattern during chewing can lead to changes in the activation of several brain regions related to memory, learning, anticipatory pain and anxiety.

dove il demarcatore di coerenza '<math>\tau</math>' definirà il percorso diagnostico come segue
{{q2|This suggests that chewing maintains the integrity of some areas of the brain and that it may be a key factor in the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.|Relationship between dental occlusion and brain activity: A narrative review

<math>\Im_o\cup ( {\bar\delta_n)} \tau_o + \Im_n\cup({\bar\gamma_n)}\
Sebastian Silva Ulloa, Ana Lucía Cordero Ordóñez, Vinicio Egidio Barzallo Sardi  }}Therefore, it is essential to operate in synergy with the trigeminal neuromotor content in order to have an 'Observable' more indicative of the masticatory reality and in this case of the real spatial position that the jaw wants to reach beyond the dental interference. To achieve this target we have developed a method of simultaneous Transcranial Electrical Stimulation of the trigeminal roots which evokes a direct response of all the masticatory muscles which we call <sub>b</sub>Root-MEPs as previously mentioned which has an indication of the 'state' integrity of the <sub>t</sub>CNS and at the same time it determines an elevation of the mandible from the rest position to the Occlusal Centric. This Centric has been named by us Functional Neuro Evoked Centric. (Figure 5)  
<gallery widths="230" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
File:Clicker 00.jpg|'''Figure 5a:''' Presumably pathological usual occlusal position, with anterior crossbite and wear of the central incisors
File:Barberini21.jpg|'''Figure 5b:''' Positioning of the recording electrodes on the masseters on both sides and of the electrodes to evoke the direct response from the trigeminal roots
File:Barberini2.jpg|'''Figure 5c:''' Result of mandibular elevation from resting position to Centric Neuro Evoked Functional via bRoot-MEPs   

<math>\Im_o\cup ( {0,25)}\times0 + \Im_n\cup({1)}\times1\
As we can see, starting directly from a neurological context, using advanced trigeminal electrophysiological technologies, we have avoided the presence of destructuring of the <sub>t</sub>CNS and contextually highlighted a spatial-type occlusal disorder. The mandible with this method which generates a synchronous action potential of all the muscles innervated by the trigeminal roots, apart from conditions of marked destructuring of the ATM, generates a perfectly physiological closure which in this case is interrupted by the presence of a dental interference of the element 21 which comforts us in continuing the functional neurognathological treatment.
\longrightarrow \Im_d=\Im_n

===Functional Neuro Gnathological rehabilitation===
Regarding the treatment of patients with TMDs there are still many strategic-conceptual conflicts such as, for example, the use of TENS<ref>Didier HA, Cappellari AM, Gaffuri F, Curone M, Tullo V, Didier AH, Giannì AB, Bussone G. Predictive role of '''gnathological''' techniques for the '''treatment''' of persistent idiopathic facial pain (PIFP). Neurol Sci. 2020 Nov;41(11):[tel:3315-3319 3315-3319]. doi: 10.1007/s10072-020-04456-9. Epub 2020 May 21.PMID: 32440980</ref> which the RDC protocol has considered clinically invalid as much as from a neurophysiological point of view TENS is not an appropriate method for not being able to evoke a response from all masticatory muscles but only the superficial ones. In this limitation lies the spatial error of the mandibular position which would be in a more anterior position due exclusively to the motor response of the masseter muscle (a topic which will be dealt with in the section 'Crisis of the Paradigm').

For this reason we bypass the manufacture of a bite plane to arrive directly at the definitive neurognathological prosthetic rehabilitation. In this specific case it was a Functional Neuro Evoked Centric rehabilitation of the anterior incisors and the four lower molars, two per side. The realization, however, followed some particularly obligatory pre-ordered steps which represent the best way to achieve real neuro-occlusal stability, as we will see in detail below. (figure 6)

<gallery widths="230" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
File:IMG0010.jpg|'''Figure 6a:''' Positioning of frameworks in Empress to accommodate the wax for Functional Neuro Evoked Centric
File:Clicker CR .jpg|'''Figure 6b:''' Frozen Functional Neuro Evoked Centric Registration by placing crown structures in Empress with interdigitating wax. Note the slight increase in the vertical dimension purposely wanted.
File:IMG0006.jpg|'''Figure 6c:''' Frozen Functional Neuro Evoked Centric Registration by placing crown structures in Empress with wax and brought back into the articular. 

In figure 6a we can see the structures of the crowns in the mouth on which the ceramic will be stratified and which will be covered with Aluvax wax to determine the Functional Neuro Evoked Centric. The decision to incorporate the four molars in the rehabilitation was made because these elements are crucial for occlusal stability but also for mediotrusion as we will see below. The exact mandibular position requires a third anterior point and for this reason, also considering the wear of the incisions and the importance of a normocclusion of the anterior sector, the involvement of the incisors was decisive for Centering the mandible in the optimal position (figure 6b) . Obviously, everything is brought back into articulate with mold waxes on Empress crowns. (figure 6c)
====Functional Neuro Gnatologic Detail====
For Neuro Gnatologic Functional detail, rehabilitation model called 'NGF Index' from which a whole scientific process will be initiated which will lead to a diagnostic paradigmatic model called 'NGF Index' in the 'Extraordinary Science' section, means an occlusal adjustment normalized to trigeminal neuromotor symmetry . To achieve this goal, gnathological replicates (articulated) and above all the ability to read the evoked and reflex responses of the tCNS in different occlusal situations are fundamental. For this reason, only the active centrics of the Empress crowns were stratified on the four lower molars. (figure 7)
<gallery widths="230" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
File:Clicker NGF2 .jpg|'''Figure 7a:''' View of the Empress framework in the laboratory phase where only the active centric cusps of the molars were layered.
File:Clicker NGF1.jpg|'''Figure 7b:''' View of the Empress structure in the clinical phase in the mouth on which to perform trigeminal electrophysiological tests.
File:Clicker NGF3.jpg|'''Figure 7c:''' view of the crowns with active centric cusps in the right-sided mouth. 

La formulazione di diagnosi di DTM oltre all’esame obiettivo venne dalla determinazione della matrice 2x2.  La simmetrica dei <sub>b</sub>Root-MEPs (Fig.8A), infatti, indica una simmetria organica delle fibre motorie delle radici trigeminali ed  una corretta disposizione elettrodica. Il riflesso mandibolare  risultò relativamente simmetrico quando la mandibola veniva mantenuta in posizione di riposo (Fig.8B) mentre divenne altamente asimmetrico in posizione di massima intercuspidazione. (Fig.8C)
In figure 7a, b and c only the active centrics of the molars have been stratified because although the Centric Neuro Evocate Functional registration is of absolute precision, the mechanical transfer from the mouth to the laboratory (articulator) could incorporate minimal spatial variations. For this reason it was decided to stop the neuro-evoked closure of the slightly raised jaw in order to have the availability of the ceramic material to be remodeled following the trigeminal electrophysiological responses. In essence, the cusps were abraded sectorally and individually to then compare with the trigeminal electrophysiological responses up to the perfect symmetry and synchronicity of the <sub>t</sub>CNS. Once the result of symmetry and synchronism has been achieved, the position reached will become the incisal rod at zero to conclude the stratification.
'''Fig.8:''' Vedi testo
<gallery widths="600" heights="200" perrow="2" slideshow""="">
File:Clicker 3.jpg|'''Figure 8a:''' Mechanical silent period recorded on the masseter and temporal muscles before the Neuro Gantholgic Functional treatment
File:Clicker SP post.jpg|'''Figure 8b:''' Mechanical silent period recorded on the masseter and temporal muscles after Neuro Gantholgic Functional treatment.
Il modello diagnostico (matrice 2x2)  evidenziò, perciò, un Rpf <sup>%</sup> Cutoff <sup>a</sup> =0.95  ed un <sub>ip</sub>JJpf <sup>%</sup> Cutoff <sup>b</sup> = 0.20 il che classificò il paziente come DTM.  
Figures 8a and 8b show the extraordinary differences in the trigeminal neuromotor response due, being of a functional type, to a mandibular spatial change and an accurate neurognathological occlusal balancing. In fact, one can see a symmetrization of the jaw jerk on the right masseter, a decrease in the duration of the mechanical silent period and above all an optimal motoneural reactivation after the silent period (rebound effect) which means safety in the total and immediate reactivation of the motoneural discharge. Once this trigeminal neuromotor re-symmetrization has been documented with irrefutable data, it is possible to move on to finalizing the clinical case.
Nell’evocare le risposte motorie delle radici trigeminali, per costruire la matrice 2x2,  si potè analizzare, anche, la posizione spaziale della mandibola. Si può notare , infatti, come la amndibola assuma una posizione fisiologica che chiameremo da ora, per distinguerla dalla miriade di manovre odontoiatriche gnatologiche,  “Relazione Centrica Funzionale neuro evocata” e  che verrà siglata “ RCF <sub>ne</sub>”.(Fig.9)
'''Fig.9:''' Posizionamento mandibolare conseguente alla stimolazione transcraniale elettrica delle radici trigeminali.
Nella figura 10 vengono mostrate le risposte neuromuscolari del periodo silente da percussione del mento attraverso un martello triggerato quando alla paziente veniva chiesto di stringere con forza massimale i denti. Se da un punto di vista neurologico non si possono evidenziare elementi riferibili ad alterazioni organiche del sistema trigeminale ( latenza del riflesso mandibolare, latenza e durata del periodo silente ecc.), alcune caratteristiche elettrofisiologiche, tuttavia, sono da riferire ad un disturbo funzionale del sistema trigeminale.  Nella traccia superiore della figura 10 si può notare l’assenza del riflesso mandibolare, ovviamente rettificato, ed un decremento della fase di  riattivazione motoneuronale immediatamente successivo al periodo silente.     
'''Fig.10:''' Periodo silente mandibolare dei muscoli Massetere dx, Massetere sn, Temporale dx, Temporale sn in sequenza dall’alto in basso; (*) assenza del riflesso mandibolare; (**) assenza dell’effetto rebound
Come riportato nel capitolo 16, il possibile meccanismo neurofisiologico capace di determinare un simile decremento delle attività facilitatorie sul periodo silente mandibolare può essere ascritto ad un cambiamento del drive fusomotorio indotto dall’input dei nocicettori muscolari. Il network neuronale di questo processo avverrebbe attraverso un loop formato da: afferenze nocicettive muscolari, il subnucleus caudalis del V,interneuroni  inibitori sui motoneuroni g statici e, come ultimo anello, la modulazione dell’sensibilità dei fusi neuromuscolari. <sup>(10,11,12,13,14,15)</sup>
Oltre al meccanismo neurofisiopatogenetico sopradescritto altri due fenomeni possono essere considerati: il primo può chiamare in causa un asimmetrica volley corticale con conseguente risposta asimmetrica dei motoneuroni di II ordine (nuclei motori trigeminali), il secondo può  considerare un insufficiente azione sincronizzante sui motoneuroni di II ordine ad opera dei nuclei mesencefalici. Per distinguere questi due fenomeni, in via sperimentale sono stati  eseguiti due tests:a) l’onda-H omonima bilaterale; b) la stimolazione transcraniale magnetica della corteccia trigeminale.
''a) Onda-H omonima bilaterale''- Questa procedura è stata eseguita inserendo un elettrodo ad ago monopolare (catodo) non isolato in punta per 2 cm in fossa infratemporale su ciascun lato ed un elettrodo di superficie (anodo) posizionato sul trago di ciascun lato (messo in comune con il controlaterale) e la risposta muscolare fu registrata sui muscoli masseteri di cui il termine omonima.  Con questo modello sperimentale si è potuto attivare sincronamente e bilateralmente le fibre IA allo stesso modo di un riflesso T (riflesso mandibolare) da percussione del mento. La differenza sostanziale di questi due metodi è che onda-H salta i fusi neuromuscolari per cui la risposta neuromuscolare riflessa sta ad indicare esclusivamente il contributo del drive centrale. L’ampiezza dell’onda-H sul massetere destro e sinistro risultò simmetrica all’85 %.
''b) Stimolazione Transcraniale Magnetica della corteccia trigeminale (STM)'' - La posizione del coil fu leggermente anteriorizata rispetto a Cz ed il paziente manteneva per almeno 5 Sec una moderata attività muscolare stringendo i denti. L’impulso fu massimale 100% della potenza dello stimolatore e le risposte furono registrate simultaneamente su ambedue i masseteri.
La figura 11 mostra le risposte masseterine alla STM corticale e possiamo distinguere: una risposta diretta (figura 11-1) della radice trigeminale di destra; una risposta di difficile interpretazione (figura 11-2) che preferiamo definire sconosciuta ma che con buona probabilità può essere dovuta alla stimolazione diretta delle fibre Ia a livello intracranico; una risposta integralmente corticale (figura 11-3) che rappresenta la volley delle fibre corticobulbari trigeminali con una latenza di @8 mS dovuta al  lungo percorso delle vie corticobulbari ed al ritardo centrale; un silenzio elettrico (figura 11-4) dovuto principalmente alla sincronizzazione dei motoneuroni di II ordine e/o probabilmente alla stimolazione del ramo nocicettive del tratto spinale trigeminale.  Da notare la perfetta simmetria in ampiezza delle risposte motorie evocate corticali .

====NGF prosthetic rehabilitation ====
The finalization of the definitively diagnosed clinical case of DTMs resulted in a restoration of the masticatory function, disappearance of the symptoms as well as an aesthetic improvement. The various phases of the rehabilitation can be followed in the gallery of images in figure 9. In particular, the Functional Neuro-Evoked Centric position is not only centered having moved slightly to the right but also retruded. It is interesting to make a comparison with figure 5a to understand the spatial differences. Element 22, in fact, is no longer in crossbite but in a head-to-head position while element 23 has a much more incisal centric contact with respect to the previous clinical situation, so as to note the occlusal space in the medial area of element 24 which it was generated with the current mandibular spatial position determined with the Functional Neuro Evoked Centric. This new occlusal arrangement was only possible because the stable and mainly frozen centric position in the molar sector. The molars through the previously exposed neuromotor balance on the centric cusp stabilize the occlusion and generate a bilateral balance in the mandibular movements as will be shortly described.
<gallery mode="slideshow">
File:Clicker end1.jpg|'''Figure 9a:''' Frontal view of functional neuro-evoked rehabilitation<br>and incisal normocclusal restoration<br>with two crowns in Empress<br>(performed in 1992)
File:Clicker end2 .jpg|'''Figure 9b:''' Occlusal view of functional neuro-evoked rehabilitation and incisal normocclusal restoration with two crowns in Empress.
File:Clicker end3.jpg|'''Figure 9c:''' Peculiarities of neurognathological parameters. Occlusal view of the left mediotrusive detail.
File:Clicker end4.jpg|'''Figure 9d:''' Peculiarities of neurognathological parameters. Occlusal view of the right mediotrusive detail.   
In figure 9c and 9d, we can see not only the well balanced centric contacts but above all the mediotrusive excursions. A few more words should be spent on this subject. Benedikt Sagl et al.<ref>Sagl B, Schmid-Schwap M, Piehslinger E, Rausch-Fan X, Stavness I. The effect of tooth cusp morphology and grinding direction on TMJ loading during bruxism. Front Physiol. 2022 Sep 15;13:964930. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.964930. eCollection 2022.PMID: 36187792 </ref> state, in their study in which the contribution of tooth inclination, medio-otrusive and laterotrusive excursion and von Mises stresses on the articular disc was analysed, that mediotrusive bruxing generates higher loads than laterotrusive simulations. In this sense it is not clear whether the mediotrusive contacts are a protective or a pejorative element in the generation of temporomandibular joint disorders. So much so that an article by Walton TR and Layton DM<ref>Walton TR, Layton DM. Mediotrusive Occlusal Contacts: Best Evidence Consensus Statement. J Prosthodont. 2021 Apr;30(S1):43-51. doi: 10.1111/jopr.13328.PMID: 33783093</ref> increases the confusion as they first state that the presence of TM interference in patient populations is large and varies from 0% to 77% and then conclude that TM interference should be avoided in any occlusal treatment regimen to minimize pulpal, periodontal, structural and mechanical complications or exacerbation of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The confusion increases when he concludes that natural molar MT interferences should only be eliminated if signs and symptoms of TMD are present. The question that arises is the following

'''Fig.11:''' Potenziali Evocati Motori Corticali generati dalla Stimolazione Magnetica Transcraniale. Per ulteriori dettagli vedere testo
{{q2|Which came first, the chicken or the egg?|.... are the interferences that cause the grinding and consequently damage to the atm or are the natural interferences protective on the system?}}It would be necessary to put some order on the subject starting with specifying what is meant by interference.

A study by Leitão AWA et al.<ref>Leitão AWA, Borges MMF, Martins JOL, Coelho AA, Carlos ACAM, Alves APNN, Silva PGB, Sousa FB. Celecoxib in the treatment of orofacial pain and discomfort in rats subjected to a dental '''occlusal''' '''interference''' model. Acta Cir Bras. 2022 Aug 15;37(5):e370506. doi: 10.1590/acb370506. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35976283</ref> is extraordinarily significant having objectively simulated the interference in the animal and histologically analyzed the changes in the trigmeinal ganglion contextually with the behavior of the animal when treated with or without selective cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitor. Furthermore, the authors treated the animals with a daily infusion of 0.1 ml/kg of saline (DOI+SAL) and 16 or 32 mg/kg of celecoxib (DOI+cel -8, -16, -32 ). They noted that animals subjected to masseter nociceptive stimulation and interference DOI + SAL showed an increase in isplateral (P < 0.001) and contralateral (P < 0.001) nociception, an increase in the number of bites (P = 0.010), scratching (P < 0.001) and grimacing scores (P = 0.032) while in the DOI+cel-32 group, these parameters were reduced.

This interesting study shows the correlation between interference, decrease in pain threshold and contextually recovery with celecoxib infusion and therefore neuro-occlusal correlation.

Si-Yi Mo et al.<ref>Mo SY, Xue Y, Li Y, Zhang YJ, Xu XX, Fu KY, Sessle BJ, Xie QF, Cao Y. Descending serotonergic modulation from rostral ventromedial medulla to spinal trigeminal nucleus is involved in experimental occlusal interference-induced chronic orofacial hyperalgesia. J Headache Pain. 2023 May 10;24(1):50. doi: 10.1186/s10194-023-01584-3.PMID: 37165344 </ref> reinforces the above neuro-occlusal correlation by demonstrating that the descending pathway from serotonergic (5-HT) neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) to 5-HT3 receptors in the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Sp5), plays an important role in facilitating the maintenance of orofacial hyperalgesia after delayed removal of experimental occlusal interference (REOI).

In conclusione si può affermare che, visto elettrofisiologicamente la simmetria della volley corticale sui motoneuroni trigeminali di II ordine (STM)  e la simmetria dell’onda-H omonima bilaterale, il decremento dell’effetto facilitatorio sul  riflesso mandibolare e sulla riattivazione motoneurale ( effetto rebound) può essere relazionato ad una alterazione del drive fusomotorio.. Il lieve stato depressivo riportato dai tests psicometrici ( Hamilton D) è giustificato dalla persistenza del dolore che ha una frequenza settimanale. La diagnosi perciò fu di DTM e trattata con una riabilitazione gnatologica protesica.
Up to now we have a broader view on the subject of interference confirmed by the neuro-occlusal correlation but the phenomenon can also be seen locally in the articular disc. Another study by Cui SJ et al.<ref>Cui SJ, Yang FJ, Wang XD, Mao ZB, Gu Y. Mechanical overload induces TMJ disc degeneration via TRPV4 activation. Oral Dis. 2023 Apr 27. doi: 10.1111/odi.14595. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37103670</ref> experimentally demonstrated that the effect of mechanical overload on TMJ discs in an in vivo rat occlusal interference model, inhibition of transient mechanoinductive receptor vanilloid potential 4 (TRPV4) alleviated TMJ disc degeneration in the rat occlusal interference model.

La riabilitazione protesica consistette nel posizionamento di 6 corone in ceramica fusa (Empress) su i denti 11,21, 36,37,46, 47 e la posizione occlusale è stata ovviamente registrata attraverso la “RCF <sub>ne</sub>”  e verificata in bocca prima della finalizzazione delle corone impiegando lo studio dei riflessi trigeminali.  
In conclusion, as we hope to share, the question is much more complex than what clinicians think and they hurry to eliminate the interferences, for example, mediotrusive because if the load induced on the joint, perhaps by a neuromotor hyperexcitability (see chapter Spasm Eimasticatorio and Cavernosa Pineale) the mediotrusive excursion could be a protective element perhaps to the detriment of the tooth itself.

In figura 12 si possono seguire le tappe descrittive della riabilitazione protesica gnatologica. ''Step 1'': posizionamento elettrodi per eseguire la  “RCF <sub>ne</sub>”. Si può notare come l’elettrodo catodico sia stato posizionato a livello della radice motoria trigeminale mentre gli elettrodi registranti sul massetere. La stessa disposizione, ovviamente, è stata seguita per il posizionamento controlaterale.
For this reason, the term 'Mediotrusive Interference' should be re-evaluated

''Step 2'': prova struttura core in Empress ed impronta di posizione. ''Step 3'': controllo in bocca della Centrica Occlusale determinata dalla“RCF <sub>ne</sub>”. Da notare che le cuspidi centriche attive dei molari sono state costruite per verificare la centricità occlusale e le risposte  elettrofisiologiche trigeminali. ''Step 4'': visione sagittale dello step 3. ''Step 5'': Corone finalizzate e cementate. Notare i contatti centrici (blu) e la presenza dei contatti mediotrusivi (rosso) che rappresentano l’unico effetto inibitorio da parte dei meccanoreccettori periodontali sul lato mediotrusivo nelle fasi di chiusura mandibolare. ''Step'' 6: Dettaglio del gruppo incisale e delle corone in Empress sul 11 e 21. Gli ''Step 7 e 8'' mostrano l’evidente cambiamento morfologico ed estetico prima  e dopo la riabilitazione protesica gnatologica attraverso la “RCF <sub>ne</sub>”..  
In figure 9c and 9d the mediotrusive path highlighted with the articulation paper was constructed by calculating the angle determined by the unilateral Root-MEPs which displaces the mandible by about 1/2mm on each side. By programming the Denar joint (figure 10) it was possible to construct an excursion with different angles between the TMJ, molar and canine. This procedure generates a natural path in which the canine guides together with the mediotrusion to protect the TMJ from the masticatory load that exists beyond bruxism.

'''Fig.12:''' Sequenza seguita per la riabilitazione protesica gnatologica nel caso clinico n°2. Per maggiori indicazioni vedere testo.

In figura 13 si può osservare come una occlusione stabile e bilateralmente bilanciata permetta di  evocare il massimo pleteau del sistema neuromuscolare traducibile elettrofisiologicamente nella presenza della risposta eccitatoria fasica del riflesso mandibolare (*) e della fase di riattivazione motoneurale dell’effetto rebound (**) sul massetere destro.
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Latest revision as of 13:27, 12 May 2024

4° Clinical case: Temporomandibular disorders


The chapter delves into the complexities of diagnosing and treating temporomandibular disorders (TMD), challenging traditional perceptions of malocclusion by emphasizing the need to relate occlusal morphology to trigeminal neuromotor responses. A case is presented where a subject, despite clear occlusal abnormalities, shows perfect symmetry in latency, amplitude, and integral areas of the trigeminal Central Nervous System (tCNS), leading to the conclusion that not all occlusal irregularities result in masticatory disorders.

This narrative underscores a critical shift from traditional dental diagnostics towards a more integrated approach termed 'Functional Neuro Gnathology' (NGF method). This approach prioritizes the functionality of the masticatory system rather than its structural aspects alone, represented by a new diagnostic model named 'Index D is the datum of'. This model seeks to align clinical dental practice with the latest neurological insights, offering a comprehensive method for evaluating and addressing TMD.

The chapter cites a study by Ahmad and Schiffman, which reveals that 4.6% of the US population is affected by TMD, with an annual management cost excluding imaging, approximated at $4 billion. This statistic frames the discussion on the economic and healthcare significance of accurate TMD diagnosis and treatment.

Discussion transitions into an exploration of the overlapping symptoms between TMD and other craniofacial conditions, which complicates the diagnostic process. Conventional diagnostics may not adequately distinguish between different underlying causes of similar symptoms due to their overlapping nature. This overlap is often seen in patients who present with both TMD and symptoms of other craniofacial disorders, suggesting a need for a more nuanced approach to diagnosis that considers a broader range of possibilities rather than a single cause.

The text criticizes the deterministic mindset in medical diagnostics, which often fails to account for the complexity and variability of human pathology. Instead, it advocates for an indeterministic and probabilistic view of medicine, which is better suited to address the multifaceted nature of conditions like TMD.

Several clinical cases are referenced to illustrate the point that symptoms commonly associated with TMD can often mask other serious conditions such as hemimasticatory spasm or even meningioma. These cases highlight the importance of a thorough and comprehensive diagnostic approach that goes beyond conventional methods to consider the entire neuromuscular and skeletal system.

In advocating for a shift towards Functional Neuro Gnathology, the chapter describes the NGF method, which incorporates trigeminal electrophysiological tests to assess the integrity of the trigeminal system. This method provides a more detailed understanding of the neuromuscular interactions and abnormalities that may contribute to or result from TMD.

A patient named "Clicker," who suffered from TMJ clicks and severe orofacial pain, is introduced to illustrate the practical application of this new approach. Despite previous diagnoses and treatments that adhered strictly to RDC protocols and focused mainly on symptom management through devices like bite planes, the NGF method provided a more definitive diagnosis by examining the neuromuscular responses of the patient’s tCNS.

The NGF method, as applied to Clicker, involved detailed trigeminal electrophysiological testing to ascertain both organic and functional aspects of her condition. These tests demonstrated that while the patient's tCNS showed organic symmetry, indicating no inherent neuromuscular disorder, there was a significant functional disorder evident from the asymmetry in jaw jerk responses. This functional disorder was likely influenced by an unbalanced peripheral input or an inhibitory process affecting the trigeminal motor neurons.

Further examination through the NGF method revealed a malocclusion contributing to the patient’s symptoms. This was addressed through a comprehensive neurognathological rehabilitation approach, which not only considered the structural correction of teeth alignment but also aimed to restore and optimize the entire neuromuscular function of the masticatory system.

The narrative concludes with a call for a broader integration of neurophysiological assessments in dental practice, particularly for complex cases like TMD. The NGF method represents a paradigm shift in TMD management, advocating for a holistic approach that considers both the dental and neurological aspects of the disorder. This approach not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also enhances treatment outcomes by addressing the root causes of symptoms rather than just managing them superficially.

This detailed examination and discussion aim to promote a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of craniofacial disorders and the potential benefits of integrating neurognathological insights into dental practice. By doing so, it hopes to pave the way for more effective and comprehensive treatments that can significantly improve patient outcomes in TMD and related conditions.


Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) - Refers to a group of conditions affecting the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and nerves associated with chronic facial pain.

Malocclusion - Misalignment of teeth which is traditionally linked to various jaw and chewing disorders but is discussed in the context of not necessarily leading to masticatory problems.

Trigeminal Neuromotor Responses - Describes the neural reactions of the trigeminal nerve system that are crucial for diagnosing jaw and facial conditions accurately.

Functional Neuro Gnathology (NGF) - A novel diagnostic approach that focuses on the functionality of the masticatory system using neurophysiological insights.

Neurognathological Rehabilitation - Treatment approach that integrates dental and neurological assessments to address both structural and functional aspects of masticatory disorders.

Electrophysiological Testing - A technique used to measure the electrical activity of the trigeminal nerve and muscles to assess their health and function.

Orofacial Pain - Pain perceived in the face and/or oral cavity, often associated with TMD but can also indicate other severe conditions.

Index Ψ - A diagnostic model introduced in the text that utilizes neurological data for better clinical dental practice.

Jaw Jerk Response - A reflex used to evaluate the integrity of the trigeminal nerve and neuromuscular function in the jaw.

Economic Impact of TMD - Discusses the significant healthcare costs associated with managing TMD, highlighting the financial importance of effective diagnosis and treatment.


Article by  Gianni Frisardi



An article by Ahmad and Schiffman[1] revealed interesting elements that call for a more in-depth analysis of the TMD phenomenon. The authors reported, in fact, that about 5-12% of the US population is affected by TMD and the annual cost of TMD management, excluding imaging costs, is about $4 billion. Interview Survey (NHIS) that included a total of 189,977 people, 4.6% (n = 8964) had temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJD).

As we have already mentioned several times in the previous chapters, one of the critical elements in the differential diagnosis between orofacial pain and TMD is the datum of the incidence of the disease, which necessarily pollutes the result of the predictive value of Bayes' theorem. In this case, from the authors' considerations[1] we are at 4.6 per cent.

We know by now that 'TMD' is the second most common chronic musculoskeletal condition after chronic low back pain[2] and although Ahmad and Schiffman[1] have exhaustively reported on the importance of imaging to make correct intra-articular diagnoses of TMJ, the doubt arises of the overlapping of symptomatic-clinical states as we have seen in the clinical cases reported in the previous chapters of Masticationpedia.

This interference does not depend on the physician's ability but on the deterministic forma mentis that leaves no room for the phenomenon of overlapping pathologies simulating the same TMD symptomatology. A quick roundup of clinical cases reported in the chapters of Masticationpedia can remind us better of the complexity and truthfulness of this statement. (Figure 1)

Rightly says Magda Krasińska-Mazur et al.[3] that the correct diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders is based on anamnesis and a thorough physical examination, as well as the results of additional tests.....but which ones?

«What could be the best approach to TMDs patients?»
(.... we will present in this context a diagnostic model in the context of restoring the functional masticatory condition of the patient in question)

So far we have discussed many aspects that in some way delay the differential diagnosis in patients who report overlapping symptomatology and various clinical manifestations, a differential diagnosis that if, on the other hand, performed correctly and quickly could save the subject's life as happened to our 'Bruxer' and unfortunately not to our 'Balancer'. The doctor's forma mentis in these cases is fundamental and the decisive element remains that of stepping out of the 'specialist context' in order to take an indeterministic and probabilistic view of medicine at the same time. This is no different with regard to patients actually suffering from TMDs because there is no real neuro-gnathological discipline, the diagnosis as well as the therapy of these subjects remains the standard one, namely gnathological. The discipline of gnathology, although very valid, is also limited because it restricts the field of the 'observable' to the occlusal parameter, disregarding everything else that is part of the masticatory neuromotor network and beyond.[4] We will present this clinical case of a patient with DTMs to give a significant clinical diagnostic/therapeutic change in the field of 'Functional Neuro Gnathology' calling it, precisely, the NGF method.


Figure 2: Oral situation of the patient affected by TMDs showing the ant erior cross bite

As usual, we call our patient with a fancy name and precisely 'Clicker' because the patient had been suffering from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clicks for years. Clicker presented to our neuropathology department complaining of severe orofacial pain and reporting a chronic right TMJ joint removal. She arrived after having already been diagnosed as DTMs always following the RDC protocol and treated with a biteplane to manage the nocturnal teeth grinding only. She, a 40-year-old patient who reported orofacial pain with joint noises such as clicks and crashes on both sides of the face and difficulty in chewing.

A first clinical occlusal examination shows a functional occlusal class III with sliding in protrusion in reaching the maximum intercuspidation. On palpation, the masseters, temporals, and external pterygoids on both sides were tender. No balance and gait disturbances, no vertigo, no tinnitus but as our routine we immediately performed trigeminal electrophysiological tests in order to avoid any structural involvement of the trigeminal Central Nevous System (tNCS). As already explained in the chapter concerning the 'Balancer' patient with Meningioma in which the interference EMG examination performed by the dental colleagues did not give indications of organic pathology of the tNCS in our Diagnostic Center we only perform Evoked Potentials and the battery of trigmeinal reflexes. In this chapter, taking into account the clinical situation, we have bypassed the purely dental context as, after an initial objective examination, the malocclusive disorder is striking but not certain (figure 2).

Figure 3: Neurognathological Functional electrophysiological tests

Trigeminal electrophysiology

As has now been documented in the previous chapters of Masticationpedia, the heart of the scientific philosophy of Masticationpedia is substantially the normalization of masticatory functions to the Central Nervous System and trigeminal peripheral tCNS and not to dental occlusion. This is able to couple the occlusal abnormality to the 'state' conditions of the tCNS as well documented in the first chapter 'Introduction' where we showed a perfect trigeminal electrophysiological symmetry in the subject with severe dental malocclusion and a frankly asymmetric neuromotor condition in a subject with perfect occlusion after being treated with orthognathic surgery. The electrophysiological tests in subjects with TMDs are limited to the bilateral Motor Evoked Potentials of the trigeminal roots which we have precisely put over the years called bRoot-MEPs,[5] from the jaw jerk[6] performed while keeping the mandible in the rest position (Jaw jerk in rest position) and the jaw jerk keeping the jaw closed with moderate muscle activity (jaw jerk in occlusal position).


In figure 3 we can see the responses of the motor evoked potentials of the two trigeminal roots, the jaw jerk in the rest position and in the position of maximum intercuspidation. In particular, the Nervous system responds to Transcranial Electrical Stimulation of the trigeminal roots with two evoked potentials that are perfectly symmetrical both in latency and in amplitude and specifically the latencies are positioned at an onset of ms and ms while the peak-to-peak amplitudes mV and mV. This result is fundamental for the differential diagnosis between organic and functional pathologies, in fact, it demonstrates that the system is organically symmetrical and synchronous and this determines the term that we will see recur in a decisive way in the continuation of the Masticationpedia chapters called 'Organic Symmetry'. Bear in mind right now that the 'Organic Symmetry' parameter will be considered an element of 'Normalization' of the trigeminal reflex responses as its latency and amplitude symmetry indicates a perfect 'state' of integrity of the tCNS and that at the same time one should expect an equally 'state' of functional symmetry due to trigeminal reflex responses. Let's see, therefore, the trigeminal functional 'state' of the tCNS by analyzing the jaw jerk.

Jaw jerk in rest position

The stretch reflex test called jaw jerk was performed keeping the mandible in rest position to distinguish the input component to the tCNS excluding the input of the periodonatal receptors. The results were not encouraging due to the relative asymmetry of latency (ms and ms) and peak-to-peak amplitude (mV; mV). In particular, the latency delay could be explained by a facilitation on gamma motor neurons, in contrast with the study by Kitagawa et al.[7] in which it is asserted that the facilitation on the ipsilateral side could be produced by an enhancement of the gamma drive induced by a prolonged nociceptive stimulation. In our case the most significant datum is the difference of with reduction on the right affected side. We have noticed in our studies that in the rest position the jaw jerk also shows a dependence not only on the acceleration of the trigger stroke but also on the spatial position of the jaw as it is not conditioned by the occlusal position.[6]

Jaw jerk in rest position

The jaw jerk, keeping the mandible in a position of centric occlusion, performed to verify the contribution of the periodontal receptors together with the muscle and tendon proprioceptors, was obviously facilitated by the dental contact but the asymmetry in amplitude (mV; mV) increased. This result agrees with what was stated in a study by Yoshino T et al.[8] in which the mandibular position was deviated by 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 mm to the right and left from a reference position corresponding to the rest position. Jaw jerk amplitude on the mediotrusive side increased primarily in proportion to mandibular deviation. The study concludes by suggesting that jaw jerk may aid the clinical examination of minor mandibular deviations. The conclusion of this 1st trigeminal electrophysiological step was to ascertain the organic integrity of the tCNS through the symmetry and synchronics of the bRoot-MEPs,[5] and consider it as an 'Organic Symmetry',[9] i.e. normalizer of the masticatory neurophysiological process while the asymmetries of the jaw jerk a functional disorder due to an unbalanced peripheral input or an inhibitory process on the trigeminal motoneurons of the nociceptive type. In essence, the conclusion of a mandibular spatial disorder would seem more indicative, which we will ascertain later when the Neuro Evoked Centric Relationship is performed to verify the physiological spatial position.

Silent period of the masticator muscles
Figure 4: Silent period of masticatory muscles and representation of areas of interest marked with arrows.

Figure 4 shows the neuromuscular responses of the silent period to chin percussion through a triggered neurological hammer when the patient was asked to clench her teeth maximally. If from a neurological point of view it is not possible to highlight elements referable to organic alterations of the tCNS, some electrophysiological characteristics, however, are to be referred to a functional disorder of the system. In the upper trace, a decrease in the motor neuron reactivation phase can be seen immediately following the silent period. The possible neurophysiological mechanism capable of determining a similar decrease in facilitatory activities on the mandibular silent period can be ascribed to a change in the spindle motor drive induced by the input of muscle proprioceptors and nociceptors. The neuronal network of this process would take place through a loop formed by: muscle nociceptive afferents, the subnucleus caudalis of the V, inhibitory interneurons on static motor neurons and, as a last link, the modulation of the sensitivity of the neuromuscular spindles..[10] [11][12][13][14][15] Also in this context the inhibitory component most likely prevails over the excitatory one and this could be ascribed to a malocclusion as we will see later. In particular, it can be noted the overlapping of the jaw jerk behavior, previously tested, in a path rectification condition. The arrow indicates the jaw jerk on all traces and the decrease in amplitude can be observed for the right masseter while it is relatively symmetrical on the temporal muscles.

Mandibular spatial analysis

On this subject unfortunately there are innumerable conceptual conflicts redundant regularly coming back into vogue after a period of years such as the gothic arch tracing method to determine the centric relationship of full dentures, as suggested by Zhou TF et al.[16] From what has been exposed in all the chapters previously published on Masticationpedia, it is clear that the approximation of manual methods or vague interpretations derived from a logic of verbal language cannot be represented in the scientific philosophy of Masticationpedia which tends to focus on a mesoscopic model more than macroscopically descriptive and formal through statistical mathematical models as we will see below. Therefore we do not share the opinion of Zhou TF et al but absolutely in line with the concepts expressed by Silva Ulloa S. et al.[17] in which it is concluded that the sensorimotor cortex is affected by changes in occlusion and it is hypothesized that occlusion may play an important role in the development of diseases, from anxiety and stress to Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. We also share the heartfelt suggestion of Silva Ulloa S. et al. in which she urges dentists to consider that alterations in the occlusal pattern during chewing can lead to changes in the activation of several brain regions related to memory, learning, anticipatory pain and anxiety.

«This suggests that chewing maintains the integrity of some areas of the brain and that it may be a key factor in the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.»
(Relationship between dental occlusion and brain activity: A narrative review Sebastian Silva Ulloa, Ana Lucía Cordero Ordóñez, Vinicio Egidio Barzallo Sardi)

Therefore, it is essential to operate in synergy with the trigeminal neuromotor content in order to have an 'Observable' more indicative of the masticatory reality and in this case of the real spatial position that the jaw wants to reach beyond the dental interference. To achieve this target we have developed a method of simultaneous Transcranial Electrical Stimulation of the trigeminal roots which evokes a direct response of all the masticatory muscles which we call bRoot-MEPs as previously mentioned which has an indication of the 'state' integrity of the tCNS and at the same time it determines an elevation of the mandible from the rest position to the Occlusal Centric. This Centric has been named by us Functional Neuro Evoked Centric. (Figure 5)

As we can see, starting directly from a neurological context, using advanced trigeminal electrophysiological technologies, we have avoided the presence of destructuring of the tCNS and contextually highlighted a spatial-type occlusal disorder. The mandible with this method which generates a synchronous action potential of all the muscles innervated by the trigeminal roots, apart from conditions of marked destructuring of the ATM, generates a perfectly physiological closure which in this case is interrupted by the presence of a dental interference of the element 21 which comforts us in continuing the functional neurognathological treatment.

Functional Neuro Gnathological rehabilitation

Regarding the treatment of patients with TMDs there are still many strategic-conceptual conflicts such as, for example, the use of TENS[18] which the RDC protocol has considered clinically invalid as much as from a neurophysiological point of view TENS is not an appropriate method for not being able to evoke a response from all masticatory muscles but only the superficial ones. In this limitation lies the spatial error of the mandibular position which would be in a more anterior position due exclusively to the motor response of the masseter muscle (a topic which will be dealt with in the section 'Crisis of the Paradigm').

For this reason we bypass the manufacture of a bite plane to arrive directly at the definitive neurognathological prosthetic rehabilitation. In this specific case it was a Functional Neuro Evoked Centric rehabilitation of the anterior incisors and the four lower molars, two per side. The realization, however, followed some particularly obligatory pre-ordered steps which represent the best way to achieve real neuro-occlusal stability, as we will see in detail below. (figure 6)

In figure 6a we can see the structures of the crowns in the mouth on which the ceramic will be stratified and which will be covered with Aluvax wax to determine the Functional Neuro Evoked Centric. The decision to incorporate the four molars in the rehabilitation was made because these elements are crucial for occlusal stability but also for mediotrusion as we will see below. The exact mandibular position requires a third anterior point and for this reason, also considering the wear of the incisions and the importance of a normocclusion of the anterior sector, the involvement of the incisors was decisive for Centering the mandible in the optimal position (figure 6b) . Obviously, everything is brought back into articulate with mold waxes on Empress crowns. (figure 6c)

Functional Neuro Gnatologic Detail

For Neuro Gnatologic Functional detail, rehabilitation model called 'NGF Index' from which a whole scientific process will be initiated which will lead to a diagnostic paradigmatic model called 'NGF Index' in the 'Extraordinary Science' section, means an occlusal adjustment normalized to trigeminal neuromotor symmetry . To achieve this goal, gnathological replicates (articulated) and above all the ability to read the evoked and reflex responses of the tCNS in different occlusal situations are fundamental. For this reason, only the active centrics of the Empress crowns were stratified on the four lower molars. (figure 7)

In figure 7a, b and c only the active centrics of the molars have been stratified because although the Centric Neuro Evocate Functional registration is of absolute precision, the mechanical transfer from the mouth to the laboratory (articulator) could incorporate minimal spatial variations. For this reason it was decided to stop the neuro-evoked closure of the slightly raised jaw in order to have the availability of the ceramic material to be remodeled following the trigeminal electrophysiological responses. In essence, the cusps were abraded sectorally and individually to then compare with the trigeminal electrophysiological responses up to the perfect symmetry and synchronicity of the tCNS. Once the result of symmetry and synchronism has been achieved, the position reached will become the incisal rod at zero to conclude the stratification.

Figures 8a and 8b show the extraordinary differences in the trigeminal neuromotor response due, being of a functional type, to a mandibular spatial change and an accurate neurognathological occlusal balancing. In fact, one can see a symmetrization of the jaw jerk on the right masseter, a decrease in the duration of the mechanical silent period and above all an optimal motoneural reactivation after the silent period (rebound effect) which means safety in the total and immediate reactivation of the motoneural discharge. Once this trigeminal neuromotor re-symmetrization has been documented with irrefutable data, it is possible to move on to finalizing the clinical case.

NGF prosthetic rehabilitation

The finalization of the definitively diagnosed clinical case of DTMs resulted in a restoration of the masticatory function, disappearance of the symptoms as well as an aesthetic improvement. The various phases of the rehabilitation can be followed in the gallery of images in figure 9. In particular, the Functional Neuro-Evoked Centric position is not only centered having moved slightly to the right but also retruded. It is interesting to make a comparison with figure 5a to understand the spatial differences. Element 22, in fact, is no longer in crossbite but in a head-to-head position while element 23 has a much more incisal centric contact with respect to the previous clinical situation, so as to note the occlusal space in the medial area of element 24 which it was generated with the current mandibular spatial position determined with the Functional Neuro Evoked Centric. This new occlusal arrangement was only possible because the stable and mainly frozen centric position in the molar sector. The molars through the previously exposed neuromotor balance on the centric cusp stabilize the occlusion and generate a bilateral balance in the mandibular movements as will be shortly described.

In figure 9c and 9d, we can see not only the well balanced centric contacts but above all the mediotrusive excursions. A few more words should be spent on this subject. Benedikt Sagl et al.[19] state, in their study in which the contribution of tooth inclination, medio-otrusive and laterotrusive excursion and von Mises stresses on the articular disc was analysed, that mediotrusive bruxing generates higher loads than laterotrusive simulations. In this sense it is not clear whether the mediotrusive contacts are a protective or a pejorative element in the generation of temporomandibular joint disorders. So much so that an article by Walton TR and Layton DM[20] increases the confusion as they first state that the presence of TM interference in patient populations is large and varies from 0% to 77% and then conclude that TM interference should be avoided in any occlusal treatment regimen to minimize pulpal, periodontal, structural and mechanical complications or exacerbation of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The confusion increases when he concludes that natural molar MT interferences should only be eliminated if signs and symptoms of TMD are present. The question that arises is the following

«Which came first, the chicken or the egg?»
(.... are the interferences that cause the grinding and consequently damage to the atm or are the natural interferences protective on the system?)

It would be necessary to put some order on the subject starting with specifying what is meant by interference.

A study by Leitão AWA et al.[21] is extraordinarily significant having objectively simulated the interference in the animal and histologically analyzed the changes in the trigmeinal ganglion contextually with the behavior of the animal when treated with or without selective cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitor. Furthermore, the authors treated the animals with a daily infusion of 0.1 ml/kg of saline (DOI+SAL) and 16 or 32 mg/kg of celecoxib (DOI+cel -8, -16, -32 ). They noted that animals subjected to masseter nociceptive stimulation and interference DOI + SAL showed an increase in isplateral (P < 0.001) and contralateral (P < 0.001) nociception, an increase in the number of bites (P = 0.010), scratching (P < 0.001) and grimacing scores (P = 0.032) while in the DOI+cel-32 group, these parameters were reduced.

This interesting study shows the correlation between interference, decrease in pain threshold and contextually recovery with celecoxib infusion and therefore neuro-occlusal correlation.

Si-Yi Mo et al.[22] reinforces the above neuro-occlusal correlation by demonstrating that the descending pathway from serotonergic (5-HT) neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) to 5-HT3 receptors in the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Sp5), plays an important role in facilitating the maintenance of orofacial hyperalgesia after delayed removal of experimental occlusal interference (REOI).

Up to now we have a broader view on the subject of interference confirmed by the neuro-occlusal correlation but the phenomenon can also be seen locally in the articular disc. Another study by Cui SJ et al.[23] experimentally demonstrated that the effect of mechanical overload on TMJ discs in an in vivo rat occlusal interference model, inhibition of transient mechanoinductive receptor vanilloid potential 4 (TRPV4) alleviated TMJ disc degeneration in the rat occlusal interference model.

In conclusion, as we hope to share, the question is much more complex than what clinicians think and they hurry to eliminate the interferences, for example, mediotrusive because if the load induced on the joint, perhaps by a neuromotor hyperexcitability (see chapter Spasm Eimasticatorio and Cavernosa Pineale) the mediotrusive excursion could be a protective element perhaps to the detriment of the tooth itself.

For this reason, the term 'Mediotrusive Interference' should be re-evaluated

In figure 9c and 9d the mediotrusive path highlighted with the articulation paper was constructed by calculating the angle determined by the unilateral Root-MEPs which displaces the mandible by about 1/2mm on each side. By programming the Denar joint (figure 10) it was possible to construct an excursion with different angles between the TMJ, molar and canine. This procedure generates a natural path in which the canine guides together with the mediotrusion to protect the TMJ from the masticatory load that exists beyond bruxism.

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