Social project
1st Social project
'Orofacial pain diagnosis'
Due to the intrinsic social vocation of the Masticationpedia project, the Frisardi Dental Center, in accordance with the aims of the Anglo-Saxon Charities, places itself at the disposal of citizens with the first social project, that of diagnostics in 'Orofacial pains'. If you want to know more about the importance of early diagnosis in orofacial pain, view the video below.
This first social initiative, it is good to know in order to understand the clarity of intentions, is linked to the rigor of the Anglo-Saxon laws that regulate the operation of the Charities.
By law, the Charities cannot redistribute profits nor pay the trustees, who are basically the founding members. This initiative, therefore, is a direct social benefit and the contribution of all the professionals who share this initiative is essentially a deeply ethical and personal choice. Obviously, everything will be related to the number of patients requesting the service and the financial resources available to the Charity. This means that the diagnostic initiative will be able to disseminate know-how, social benefits through a model called 'Bootstrapping' of which we will give a brief explanation.

Medicine with a capital M costs a lot in all senses both from the point of view of human, existential, operational and intellectual involvement and from a technical point of view in the sense that the more instrumentally investigated and the less dispersive and inappropriate the diagnostic conclusion will be. . All this requires unspeakable financial support to which the States respond by reserving a very high percentage of GDP without, however, being able to satisfy all social demands.
For this reason, in some States the legislation has promoted legal figures called 'Third sector', ie associations, volunteers and charities.
But this is not enough for a thousand reasons but above all for the involvement of entities with large financial resources that could bridge that gap between supply and demand and it is precisely for this need that some states have thought of hybrid forms such as the 'Beta Corporation which in Italy are indicated as 'Start up with a social vocation' (SIAVS) and in England with the 'Community interest company' (CIC) in which any company can direct part of its know-how and service to citizens without directly receiving a commercial profit as well as having other tax incentives.
All very interesting and positive but still there are cases like the one in figure 1 and many others that will be described in the Masticationpedia Wiki for which a question arises: there is an unbridgeable hole in the system, where? The hole is the lack of involvement of the individual as a key element of the epochal change. in other words, it is necessary to restore value to the bearers of know-how because this is the only wealth of the human being.
With the 'bootstrapping' which would essentially be the economic container determined by donations from all over the world without resorting to bank credit, state subsidies and anything else we can give voice to the bearer of know-how, (and there are countless of them scattered in every corner of the earth) to implement real experimental and research initiatives without external industrial and political interference. At the same time, achieving scientific progress objectives and direct social benefits through the added value of the know-how bearer in the most liberal way possible as P.K. Feyerabend (see Network page).